One I have been BUILDING FAMILIES for over 33 years – via private adoption, agency assisted adoption, gamete donation and surrogacy. As a practicing attorney in the areas of reproductive law and adoption, which is a unique and fulfilling practice, I have not worked a...
The New York Child-Parent Security Act (CPSA) is unique in many ways: One… Surrogate’s Bill of Rights. The Surrogate’s Bill of Rights is a unique, protective provision included in New York’s CPSA that ensures certain rights to all individuals acting as...
NOVEMBER IS NATIONAL ADOPTION MONTH! One National Adoption Month is an initiative in the United States that aims to raise awareness about the adoption of children, with a special focus on foster care adoptions. It is celebrated every November, with various events and...
One The first Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621 as a harvest festival. It included 50 Pilgrims, 90 Wampanoag Native Americans and lasted three days. Historians believe that only five women were present. Two The first Thanksgiving celebration was not in...
Remind your clients/patients to: One Build a team of trusted professionals. It is important that families do their diligence early on so that they feel comfortable with those they have selected to assist them in their process of surrogacy or adoption. The process can...
As adoption and reproductive law attorneys, The Law Offices of Laurie B. Goldheim serve as a primary resource, counsel and partner to clients who seek to grow their families by contemporary means and methods, as recognized by the courts of New York and New Jersey.